
The First Hybrid Car from Indonesia

Increasing scarcity of fossil-based energy sources to make all parties think to look for ways to save fossil energy and using alternative energy. LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) as an institution in the development of technology has created a hybrid car.

Hybrid car with electric power is expected to be a solution in the face of increasingly difficult and expensive materials for fossil energy moving. Hybrid cars LIPI is still limited to the prototype, which will continue to be developed by LIPI.

Hybrid itself is a system whereby a battery charge that drives the car combines an electric motor which then drive the wheels of vehicles with conventional engines benzyl.

"We have started trying to research and develop hybird cars since 2005," explained Head of Transportation LIPI, Abdul Hafid on the sidelines of the LIPI Expo 2011 in Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, (11/07/2011).

Hybrid Cars Advantages of this LIPI, can go with a speed of 80 km / h for 6 hours without recharging electricity. This car is also equipped with a fuel tank like a conventional car but instead becomes the main energy of the car.

But, despite these advantages there is one fundamental weakness of this car. Car prices are still very expensive to make, the LIPI itself is still not convinced this car can be mass produced in the near future.

"The price of cars per unit reached 350 million dollars. To develop this, if investors expect from a big brand I think is impossible," he explained.

In addition to creating a car with hybrid technology, LIPI also managed to create a tool that can convert conventional cars to electric powered cars. The tool, named the 'Electric Vehicle Conversion' allows a car that previously converted gasoline or diesel engine using 100% electric energy.

By using, lithium-based battery with a capacity of 235 ampere / hour. Cars that have been changed to use this power capable of driving up to speeds of 120 km / hour to every 75 miles to stop for recharging.

According Hafid, costs necessary to make that change, estimated at 160 million rupiah. Is judged more cost-efficient for the long term because it does not need to fill in petrol and do not need an oil change.

"The cost is expensive initially. But it is more expensive in the future due to battery electric power for these last 10 years," he explained.
based on oto.detik.com
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  2. iya bro.. heheh cuma gitu2 aja kok :D
